Artista: Stella Paolo, scultore

1383. 1998.MARKHAM.SCHULZ.Gianmaria.R
ANNE MARKHAM SCHULZ, Gianmaria Mosca called Padovano, a Renaissance Sculptor in Italy and Poland, University Park, The Pennsylvania State University Press 1998, p. XI, 349, illustrato, b/n, colore (un volume di testo e uno di tavole)
1247. 1994.BLAKE.MCHAM.The.Chapel.of.St.R
SARAH BLAKE MCHAM, The Chapel of St.Anthon at the Santo and the Development of Venetian Renaissance Sculpture, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1994, p. 432, molto illustrato, b/n, colore
1034. 1985.MARKHAM.SCHULZ.Paolo.R
ANNE MARKHAM SCHULZ, Paolo Stella milanese, “Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorisches Institutes in Florenz”, 29 (1985), 1, p. 79-110, illustrato, b/n